Thursday, June 21, 2012

How smart people figure out liars

Today I'm talking about figuring out if someone is lying or no, enough talking.

you should know that almost intelligence agencies teach their agents or spies how to figure out if someones lying or being honest:

let's understand this way:

There is two sides of the brain to think within: 

1- If you ask someone a question and while he is answering the question  looks to your Left, then he is trying to imagine or to create a lie to get out of troubles, and that's the right side of the brain.

2- but if he keeps looking or kept his eyes to your Right side "His heart side, then that means he is trying to be honest and to remember, because his left side of the brain work on analyzing more than creating or imagining  with practice you will figure out honest people.
If have anyone around you, try it right now
Wait for tips on using this method.

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